Installation and Maintenance for Detention Center Hinges

You long for a door hinges which will not squeak, will not fail. To find such a gem among the many detention centers that dot our great country is much like finding Her. Door Hinges as a Solid Rock Of extension door hinges by Don Wydeven 1993 The hinges in a security facility are unsung heros. They are the unsung hero of security facilities.

First of all, the process of installation. Think of it as fitting together a puzzle. The first thing you need to do is choose the correct type of hinges to fit into your door let holes. Often heavier hinges will be the first choice, as they can take more without defect than just your average home door. They are also slower wearing and longer lasting. The door to a detention center gets more use than any other –and should therefore be treated.

Next, all this good stuff needs properly aligned. Say you have to walk with one shoe pointing one direction and the other pointing another direction. This is just what out-of-line (misaligned) door hinges do to your doors! They render them resistant to movement, in other words. If you do not want your doors swinging around like they are on some kind of thrill ride, use a leveling instrument.

Now it is time to drill holes. You know what they say: Measure twice and only drill once. Most likely you too have hung up a picture or something else and then found out that it had five extra holes in the wall. That is just plain not right. Precision is needed when drilling initial holes for screws or bolts.

When it comes to your screws, only use those recommended by the manufacturers. Do not be MacGyver and use whatever comes closest to hand in your toolbox. One wrong size screw could mean trouble later on. A door which falls off its hinges is certainly not secure.

Maintenance is a whole other subject but every bit as important if you want hinges which will outlast the next new year’s resolutions. Taking the time to check out hinges must be a part in every day’s routine, like looking at Instagram, to see if Aunt Mildred’s kitties got any cuter during night or just after bath time.

Rust is the enemy of metal! Oil or grease in the right place from time to time can help hold back rust. Greasy fingerprints are a thing to be avoided at all costs.

The same is true of a loose screw. Like socks in the laundry, they’re always pulling a Houdini act! So keep your eyes peeled for them, as they could scurry off and cause you more trouble than you ever dreamed.

Despite all your work, sometimes things go wrong. Perhaps a little gnag here or some isopropyl alcohol there. Don’t ignore your hinges ‘gentle calls for help. They’re saying something is wrong and needs fixing!

You know those days when everything’s going fine, then suddenly nothing works at all? Yes, folks, it happens with hinges as well! When something feels wrong, it pays off to take action. Solving minor problems early will save you time and money.

There you have it. All the nitty-gritty on how to set up and care for hinges in your correctional facility without going crazy with technical jargon you don’t really understand!

But, one must admit, it is not always a bad idea to have technicians aboard. This is all the more true where the highest security is desired. Every detail becomes important now cost, as attitudes and facilities certainly differ vastly from those prevailing at separate places around world today.

Well, we weren’t supposed to draw conclusions, were we? Then I’ll just say, “Happy Hinging!”

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